“Utilising 30 years experience in the radiation safety industry, we offer a range of options to suit the needs of your business”

Radiation Training
We offer all training flexibly and on demand, contact us, and we can organise a training session for your business on location across Australia and too your schedule.
Training Courses Designed for your Business
Radiation training structured to meet licencing requirements and designed to meet your workplace policies and procedures. Our competency based training provides clear insight into the requirements of working safely with ionising radiation. Radiation codes of practice are interwoven into the course materials to foster easy understanding of radiation safe work practices.
Radiation Safety Training in the use of the Portable Density Moisture Gauge
Formally recognised in NSW, VIC, WA, QLD, TAS, ACT, and NT, our density moisture gauge training sessions bring you up to speed on current and emerging requirements for safe deployment.
For upcoming group sessions, take a look at our Home page
OR call to arrange a session on site, in the Sydney region, OR a date that suits - no group to small or large.
Radiation Safety Refresher Training
Refresher training is integral to the workplace and meeting radiation legislative compliance, participation ensures all employees;
Stay up-to-date with new requirements
Improve knowledge and skills retention
Ensure skills are updated and remain current
Continued competence
Compliance with radiation legislation
Prevent bad habits creeping in to the workplace
Reduce risks in the workplace
Workplace Tool Box Presentations
We can develop, provide, and deliver material for your next workplace Tool Box presentation. These should be undertaken annually to meet legislative compliance under ARPANSA RPS 5 ( refer to page S9 -3.1).

Radiation Consulting
We offer a range of consulting services that integrate into your business, enabling you to move forward with confidence.
Radiation Management Plans & Planning
Outlines the systems and processes to minimise radiation exposures in either the practice or use of equipment associated with ionising radiation and meet state legislative requirements. We can provide your company with a plan, or review your plan, to meet current requirements.
Workplace Policies and Procedures
Safe work practices are integral in the use of ionising radiation as outlined in the ARPANSA code of practices and radiation legislation
Risk Factors to Include in ‘Safe Work’ Method Statements
We help you build your method statements and asses the hazards and controls necessary when working with ionising radiation
Annual Audits
We assist you in identification, and provide simple methods, to report on mandatory requirements and potential issues. These steps are necessary to meeting mandatory radiation legislative and licensing requirements
Planning Radioactive Goods Transportation
Most states differ in the requirements for transporting radioactive goods, we can guide you and assist you in the documentation and procedures required for the transport of radioactive goods across Australia.
Accident, Incident and Emergency; Plan and Procedures
All incidents must be investigated, recorded and reported according to Radiation legislative requirements. We assist in providing an incident framework for accurate reporting to the various regulators.
Radiation Safety Officer Services
If your staff don’t have the knowledge and expertise to understand the intricacies of radiation legislation across national and state requirements, we can guide your business or provide training in the roles and responsibilities required under radiation legislation.
Contact us for more information or organise an initial consultation